Are Frogs A Sign Of Good Luck

In China the frog is a symbol of good luck. In China they speak of the frog on the moon, whereas people from the Western world will speak of the man on the moon. In Ancient China images of frogs were found on the drums used to summon thunder and much need rain. The frog is associated with the lunar yin. The Money or Fortune Frog. Good fortune and prosperity. Frogs are said to bring fortune and luck. In many Asian cultures, the frog or toad represents the yin side of nature, symbolizes the moon and can bring healing and prosperity. 'Frog is the surprisingly timeless and quintessential symbol for prosperity. Spiritual cleansing is yet another mystical gift the Frog totem animal generously shares. Cleansing is the catalyst for change that washes away the blocks of abundance that opens the doors to prosperity. This is the magic of the Frog'.

I have always had a fascination for frogs even before I realise that they are auspicious. They look so cute and adorable. Below is an article on why frogs are considered lucky.

The Money Frog, also recognized by name the “Three Legged Toad”, is a celestial and mythical creature, believed to emerge every full moon to bring with it wealth and good fortune. It is one of the most prominent symbols of prosperity and monetary gain in Feng Shui, and can often be spotted beside cash registers, receptions and owners’ desks all across Asia.

Animal Symbolism of the Frog
Frog Meanings and Symbolism
When the frog jumps into your life it may indicate now is a time to find opportunities in transition. We see animal symbolism of transition with the frog in its unique growth cycle. The frog undergoes incredible transformations to reach the destination of full adulthood, and so do we as humans.
The frog understands what it is like to undergo some serious growing pains – and so it is a fantastic animal totem for teenagers as they sometimes struggle to find their place (in-betwix youth and adulthood) in society.
In many cultures the primary symbolic meaning of frogs deals with fertility. This is largely because these cultures observed Frogs laying enormous quantities of eggs, therefore making it a fertility symbol as well as a symbol of abundance.
A quick-list for animal symbolism of the frog includes:
  • Luck
  • Purity
  • Rebirth
  • Renewal
  • Fertility
  • Healing
  • Metamorphosis
  • Transitions
  • Dreaming
  • Opportunity
  • Intermediary
In Egypt we see the Frog-headed Heket who is an Egyptian goddess of birth(ing).
As a Celtic symbol meaning, the Frog was deemed lord over all the earth, and the Celts believed it represented curative or healing powers because of its connection with water and cleansing rains. More Western and European views focus on the Frog's three stages of development (egg, tadpole, fully formed amphibian) to symbolize resurrection and spiritual evolution. For these same reasons it is also a common Christian symbol for the holy trinity and resurrection. It is often seen in Christian art to express this symbolism.
In China the Frog is an emblem of Yin energy and thought of as good luck. Feng Shui practices recommend putting an image of a Frog in the east window of your home toencourage child birth and/or happy family life.
Frog energy is also considered to be a link between the living and the dead. An interesting ancient Asian custom was to place a jade frog in the mouth of the deceased to insure his/her spirit would pass safely into the spirit world. This custom was believed to allow the spirit of the deceased to speak more clearly to loved ones still living.
Frogs are also good luck symbols in Japan - especially for travelers. Images or charms were worn during long voyages to assure safety (particularly across water).

I have a friend, Albert who lives in Japan. He shared further Japanese wisdom animal symbolism of the frog. The Japanese word for frog is 'kaeru.' It is the same word meaning 'return.' So travelers carry a small frog amulet with the intent of returning safely home.
Further, small pebble-sized frog amulets are carried in their wallets so money will not be lost.
Ancient Hindus viewed the animal symbolism of frogs on a more cosmic levels, as they believe Frogs projected the world into orbit in space, and the frog was also thought to signify darkness.
Call upon the energy of the frog when:
You need to easily swim through some tough life-transitions
You need a little assurance while traveling
You are working to enhance your intuition, and strengthen your connection with the spirit world

Most of the time, we have dreams that we cannot easily interpret. We usually dream about animals, people, situations and even objects. Even though some of these dreams are obvious, some are not. Such dreams might be scary, but they usually have a special meaning.

In this article, we will look at what it means when you dream about frogs. The frog animal spirit symbolizes a lot of things in our lives, and therefore, you cannot dream about frogs in vain.


Dreaming About Frogs

Let us look at what frogs symbolize before we delve deeper into what a dream about frogs means. Frogs represent life cycle, fertility, transformation, rebirth, luck, ancient wisdom, and the ability to achieve, and uplift ourselves. Dreams about frogs, therefore, mostly symbolize love, change, prosperity, and achieving.

Frogs are mainly associated with water, which allows us to cleanse both our physical, spiritual and energetic traits. Now that you know what a frog symbolizes let’s look at what it means when you dream about a frog. The meaning of the dream depends on its nature. One might dream about eating a frog, the other about kissing a frog, and so on.

Here are some of the scenarios and meanings:

Eating a frog

It is normal to see yourself eating a frog in your dream. Eating a frog symbolizes a peaceful and accomplished life. When you dream about eating a frog’s legs, it signifies the need to mark your territory and let others know that you are in charge.

Eating a frog in your dream might also signify an unpleasant task that awaits you. Finding the frog delicious means that you are trying to make the best out of the uncomfortable situation.

Catching or chasing a frog

Catching or chasing a frog in your dream shows how resistant you are to the rapid changes that occur in your life. On the other hand, when the frog fights back and maybe bites you, you may have failed to perform a task to the best of your ability at one point in life.

Flying frog

Do not freak out when you see a flying flog in your dream. Flying signifies propulsion, and therefore, a flying frog indicates all the significant, necessary steps that you have taken towards achieving your goals.

Frogs croaking

A frog croaking in your dream is a good sign. It usually signifies a secure future with the people close to you. A croaking frog also means several guests in the near future. It is possible to reunite with those you have not seen for a long time.

Stepping on frogs

By now, you must have noticed that dreams about frogs have a positive connotation. Dreaming about stepping on frogs, therefore, suggests that you need to rise and exercise power over weaker individuals in regards to achieving your goals. Such a dream tells you that you need to ignore and even silence all the negativity around you as you pursue your goals.

Chinese Good Luck Frog

A frog in your house

Dreaming about a frog being in your house indicates that you might have visitors soon. When the frogs keep on appearing in your doorstep in your dream, you should get ready for uninvited visits. This dream also signifies success and prosperity in the future. You should, therefore, be ready for some good news or future financial gains.

A frog in your bed

Seeing a frog on your bed in your dreams is a sign of a relationship. It indicates that you will soon encounter a love affair, even though a little bit short-lived. You will, however, have a deep attraction to your partner during the entire period of the relationship. Dreaming about frogs on your bed might also signify reconciliation with your ex-lover. All in all, it means a love affair brewing.

A frog laying eggs

Smile hard whenever you dream about a frog laying eggs. A dream about a frog laying eggs signifies fertility and happiness. This dream is usually common in expectant mothers. It also means happy children.

A snake eating a frog

A snake eating a frog has two meanings. You are either going to earn some money or get into a quarrel soon.

A frog in the bathroom

Dreaming of a frog in the bathroom signifies uncleanliness. Bathrooms serve as bathing spots, where we go to remove all the dirt. Seeing a frog in the bathroom in your dreams, therefore, signifies your unclean habits.

Killing a frog

Whenever you see yourself killing a frog in a dream, it signifies being free from your enemies. Killing a frog can also have a painful meaning. At times, it means the death of somebody close to you. What about killing a frog during birth? Killing a frog during childbirth signifies hardships in your love affair. It might, therefore, indicate a heartbreak.

A vomiting frog

Seeing a vomiting frog in your dreams is a sign that you need to return an item that was illegally acquired to its original owner.

Frog infestation


Seeing a frog infestation in your dream is a sign of abundance. It, therefore, signifies future riches, accomplishments, and success. It also shows harmony, leaving in peace with your neighbors and those close to you. Dreaming of several frogs also means happiness. You are, therefore, likely going to have a good time with your partner.

A frog in your mouth

Seeing a fog in your mouth while dreaming signifies the fear of speaking up. You have something to say but lack the courage to speak up. This dream implores you to speak up without fear. You, therefore, feel bitter and suffocated since you cannot do anything to change the situation.

A fat frog

Dreaming of a fat frog is a good sign. It signifies peace and success in the near future. The same also applies to a little frog. A small frog in your dream means achieving all your future plans. It also tells you to avoid stress and live an enjoyable life.

Dreaming About Different Colored Frogs

Green frog

A green frog in your dream signifies harmony and emotional wellness. A green frog hopping in your dream, therefore, indicates how well you handled challenging times in your life. A green frog also represents a new beginning.

Black/ dark green frog

A black or dark green frog shows the losses and adjustments in life. It also signifies a time when you were in a dark place. It can also mean healing and recovery from your youthful days. A black frog may also indicate that you are hiding your feelings, maybe out of fear of rejection. The black color signifies emotional unwellness in such a case.

Golden frog

A golden frog signifies a bright future, full of accomplishments and results, especially after a period of pain. A golden frog is, therefore, a sign of future happiness and well-being. It also indicates that you can turn a particular situation to your benefit.

White frog

White usually symbolizes purity. Seeing a white frog in your dreams is, therefore, a sign of being pure. It also symbolizes good luck.

Pink frog

A pink frog is a good sign and signifies the development of your instincts in the near future. It symbolizes a future event that will shape your intuition, making you approach things better.

Blue frog

A blue frog is a good sign of possible healing. It also signifies the end of a difficult time. In as much as things might not look okay, you will be at a good place soon.

Red frog

A red frog in your dream signifies passion. You are also going to undergo an event that will change your life for good.

Yellow frog

A yellow frog signifies transformation, whether from emotional trauma or event in your life.

Religious Interpretation of Dreams About Frogs


Are Lizards A Sign Of Good Luck

Hindus value animals since they play a significant role in their religion. It is believed that Brahma created animals with a purpose. Frogs are therefore considered sacred, and their dreams carry special interpretations. Hindus believe that a frog in a dream signifies prosperity and success. Frogs also symbolize reincarnation in Hinduism, and as a result, Hindus believe that dreaming about frogs means protection by the ancestors.

Are Frogs A Sign Of Good Luck


Good Luck Frogs

Islam views dreams about frogs as devotion to Allah. A bunch of frogs signifies healing in Islam. A single frog shows kindness, generosity, and friendliness. Muslims believe that eating frogs in a dream means authority. Having a vivid dream about frogs signifies a good heart in Islam.


The Occult believes that frogs are associated with magic or witchcraft. Seeing a frog leaving town, therefore, means calmness, inner price, and answered prayers. One or two frogs represent devotion, and croaking sounds denote death.

Are Toads Good Luck


Every animal signifies something in a dream. Frogs are therefore associated with transformations, blessings, inner peace, authority, and life cycles. Do not freak out the next time you see a frog in your dream. It might be a sign of good luck.